My Segway HT i167

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My Segway HT i167 arrived last week, though I only found time to start using it yesterday. I’ve had a lot of fun, and so have many of my co-worklers. I glided (the common term for riding a Segway HT) around Palo Alto for a while today and met lots of people. I’m still a little nervous about using it in public, but people have almost all been very interested and positive about it.
I hope the Palo Alto City Council doesn’t follow the model of San Francisco and ban its use on sidewalks without actually learning about the device and what it’s capable of.

No, my blog’s not dead…just

No, my blog’s not dead…just returning from it’s sabatical. I’ve been working on a new standards compliant version, and I just haven’t found time to finish it. Now that my parents have left I’m hoping to put some work into it and get it up before the end of the month.